Building the fully European supplY chain on RFSOI,
enabling New RF Domains for sensing, Communication, 5G and beyond
BEYOND5 is first and foremost a technology project gathering most significant European actors covering the entire value chain from materials, semiconductor technologies, designs and components up to the systems. The goal of BEYOND5 is to build a completely European supply chain for Radio-Frequency Electronics enabling new RF domains for sensing, communication, 5G radio infrastructure and beyond. BEYOND5 strives to bring together mobile broadband (5G), the Internet of Things (IoT) and automation connectivity for self-driving cars in a single technology platform based on the most advanced SOI technologies manufactured in Europe, namely RFSOI and FDSOI.

The high importance of 5G network in enabling digital transformation and supporting critical infrastructure, currently, European industry is totally under-represented in the corresponding component and device market. Increasing concerns on cyber security and value chain disruption as well as rising geopolitics of technology, such high dependencies and reliance in the critical domain like 5G will impose profound harm to European industrial and technological base as well as resilience of Europe’s critical infrastructure. To address such a pressing issue, Europe must develop its own strong and secured value chain around 5G network. This is one of the major motivations of the BEYOND5 project, i.e., to contribute to such an important European strategy and impact the corresponding R&D&I landscape in Europe.